
Candy Crush Movie Trailer!

YouTube star, Ryan Higa or Nigahiga, created a viral sensation – a movie trailer for Candy Crush.

Although, the movie is not actually being made, it highlights the addiction that many players of the game endure. The three-minute fake movie trailer that features many of the popular mobile games, has reached over 8.5 million views on YouTube.

The movie trailer references, not only Candy Crush but other top, addicting games including, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, and Draw Something. Given the games insane amount of followers, the movie trailer is pretty accurate. Mobile games have consumed many of our lives, well at least our free time. In the clip Ryan states, “they say once you play a game long enough, you start to lose yourself. It’s like you’re in a whole different world than everyone else.” Although this statement may be a little dramatic for the typical player, our society has developed an obsession for these games.


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This funny parody of Candy Crush, has people wanting more! Comments from the clip include “OMG where is the full movie?”, “Please make the full thing I would so buy it off the iTunes Store!”, and “Make this a real movie!”. These comments just go to show how Candy Crush has affected so many of us, even wanting a full-length movie chronicling our societies reaction to the game.

Everything in this video, from the acting to the plot, makes perfect sense when reflecting the addictive nature of these games, especially Candy Crush. Sadly, there are no known plans on the movie being produced, but this video is definitely worth watching. Even if you are not tempted by such games, the content in this video definitely captures the fixation many people around us experience.

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