
Candy Crush Dreamworld Level 23

Candy Crush Dreamworld level 23 cheats and walkthrough to help you beat this level of Odus’s Dreamworld.

Candy Crush Dreamworld Level 23 Cheats


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  • This level of the Dreamworld is one of the toughest. You’ll be asked to clear 30 squares of jelly within 50 moves, a task that seems simple until you see the five columns of meringue dividing the board up into narrow channels. Though making moves in the upper half of the board is certainly easier, those moves won’t do you any good in the long run unless they create special candies. Instead, focus your attention first on making vertical matches that touch two columns at once to remove as much meringue as possible right off the bat. This will give you more room to operate near the bottom of the board.

  • When forming special candies, keep in mind the value of vertically striped candies. These can completely destroy an entire column of meringue, which will help you immeasurably in removing the rest–and exposing a great deal of jelly as well. Horizontally striped candies are less useful in general, but can still be used to great effect in the bottom rows or as a component of a special candy combo.
  • Level 23 depends a great deal on cascades, so keep a sharp eye on Odus to make sure the owl doesn’t become overbalanced. You have enough moves at your disposal to push the owl back towards the middle of its meter if necessary.

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