
Candy Crush Level 546 Cheats, Tips, and Strategy

This is how you beat Candy Crush Saga level 546 of Candy Crush Saga. Follow these Candy Crush cheats, tips and strategy and you will pass Candy Crush Saga level 546 in no time! The goal of level 546 is to clear 36 jellies in 30 moves and get at least 50,000 points.

Candy Crush Saga Level 546 Cheats

  • Candy Crush Saga level 546 features the unique challenging of two separate boards with the only bridge being two conveyor belts.

  • On the left hand side of Candy Crush Saga level 546, you have a completely open board.
  • On the right hand side of Candy Crush Saga level 546, you have a board completely full of jellies you need to crush.
  • Unfortunately, that side is also completely enveloped by the dreaded licorice swirls.
  • The first thing you need to do is start clearing out those licorice swirls so that you can get to the jellies.
  • A great way of doing this is to form horizontally striped candies from the open right side of the board.
  • While it is true that licorice swirls swallow up the effect of a striped candy, you are still able to clear out at least one.
  • After some time, you will be left with a rows of just jellies in the right side.
  • When this happens, you will surely want to use the horizontally striped candies to damage an entire row of jellies.
  • You should also always look to try and combine your striped candies with other special candies.
  • A great special candy combo to use here is the striped candy plus a wrapped candy.
  • The effects of this great combo will take out a large amount of area on the right side board.
  • Since there are only 5 colored candies in Candy Crush Saga level 546, you should not have that much trouble in trying to create a color bomb.
  • The color bomb will work great as one half of any special candy.
  • This is especially true when you combine the color bomb with a striped candy since its effects will stretch everywhere on the board.
  • You will also need to use the conveyor belts as a vessel to carry candies and special candies over to the right side.
  • When this happens, you will be able to clear out licorice swirls and jellies by simply making adjacent matches.
  • You will also need to use a solid strategy when working with the conveyor belt.
  • The conveyor belt will constantly shift you candies after every move, so make sure you are planning your candies out ahead.

candy crush saga level 546

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