
Candy Crush Level 389 Cheats, Tips, and Strategy

This is how you beat level 389 of Candy Crush Saga. Follow these Candy Crush cheats, tips and strategy and you will pass level 389 in no time!

Candy Crush Level 389 Cheats

  • The goal of level 398 is to collect 20 color bombs

  • You will only have 40 moves to complete this task.
  • You will also need to rack up a whopping 200,000 points.
  • You are already given 14 color bombs though.
  • You will just need to clear out the bombs and mystery candies.
  • Along with the color bombs are 5 mystery candies,11 15-move candy bombs, and 3 chocolate fountains with 4 chocolates on the board.
  • Start out by working at the bottom because that is where all of the action is.
  • Try to combine some color bombs with striped candies, which will take out candies, chocolates, candy bombs, and mystery candies while collecting more color bombs.
  • This will help rack up the points because 200,000 is not a small number.
  • One last tip is to make sure no chocolates take over a color bomb you’ve been given.
  • You will also need to pass up match 4s and L/T shapes to create more match 5s.
  • With that said, your eyes should always be look out for for color bomb chances.


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