
Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld Level 204 Cheats and Tips

These Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld Level 204 cheats and tips to show you how to beat level 204 of Dreamworld. The objective of Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld level 204 is to clear 32 jellies in 25 moves and collect 50,000 points. If you are stuck on this frustrating puzzle, just use these Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld level 204 cheats and tips will help you solve the level!

Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld Level 204 Cheats

candy crush saga dreamworld level 204

© King.com Limited

  • Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld level 204 is board that will focus on your abilities to clear out jellies.

  • However, you will find that a large percent of those jellies are blocked under a wall of multi-layered meringues.
  • To combat this problem, you will need to clear out the meringues asap.
  • To clear out meringues, you will need to make an adjacent match alongside of it.
  • As a plus, the board of Candy Crush Saga Dreamworld level 204 has supplied you with three wrapped candies.
  • You can find these wrapped candies stuck in jelly, right above where the meringue starts.
  • Once free from the jelly, the wrapped candies can be used to clear out a solid amount of meringue or jelly.
  • You should also consider your options as you can also combine the wrapped candies can be combined with each other.
  • The effect of a wrapped plus a wrapped special candy combo will be an extremely effective one.
  • Once you have created a solid path through the meringue, focus on creating other special candy combos.
  • Continuing to make special candy combos will greatly aid you in finishing off the meringue and jellies.
  • Special candies such as wrapped and striped will help you in crushing entire rows and columns.
  • With the board being so large at the bottom, it should come a little easier in making special candies.
  • If you can, form a color bomb.
  • A color bomb will help you rid a lingering and pesky remaining jelly.
  • Or, you can use the color bomb and combine it with a striped candy to stretch across the entire board.
  • Remember, it will be very important to keep a watchful eye on Odus the Owl on the left side.
  • Odus the Owl will need to be keep on his perch by balancing him with matches of the tow shown colors.
  • When you reach moonstruck, two new colors will be shown on the board.
  • So watch out for that as it will greatly effect the way you make matches and play the board.

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