
Candy Crush Level 533 Cheats, Tips, and Strategy

This is how you beat Candy Crush Saga level 533 of Candy Crush Saga. Follow these Candy Crush cheats, tips and strategy and you will pass Candy Crush Saga level 533 in no time! The goal of Candy Crush Saga level 533 is to clear 39 jellies in 25 moves and get at least 1000,000 points.

Candy Crush Saga Level 533 Cheats

  • Candy Crush Saga level 533 features  massive amount of licorice, seven 10-move candy bombs, and two conveyor belts.

  • In addition to that, there is a ton of jelly underneath the licorice that you will need to clear in order to pass this level.
  • In order to get through this, you ill first need to open up the board to create some special candies.
  • Of course the only way to do this is to blast your way to the center of the board and take out some licorice.
  • Start by clearing the conveyor belt located in the third row from the bottom.
  • There is not enough room to form jellies, so you will have to clear it away by simply creating adjacent matches.
  • Once you have opened up some candies on the conveyor belt, you can begin to make matches.
  • An efficient way of doing this is to just let the conveyor belt work for you.
  • Much like the cascade effect, this means letting the conveyor belt make matches by simply letting it move as it would.
  • If you use a sound plan and notice the candies on the belt and board, you will create matches that will save you moves.
  • In addition to this you will also need to clear away some bombs, and do so in a hurry.
  • Hopefully by now, either you or the shifting conveyor belt has cleared away some of the top bombs.
  • But if not, clear them out using matches and special candies.
  • With an an open board and only 5 featured colored candies, you should be able to create a plentiful amount of special candies.
  • Wrapped candies and striped candies will do an extremely swell job in clearing away any remaining jellies, licorice blockers, and jellies.
  • However, it’s the special candy combos that are going to save your rear end.
  • The best special candy combos to use here are the wrapped candy plus a striped candy and a striped candy plus a striped candy.
  • Remember, that holding off on using a single candy could pay off as a special candy combo will do a much more efficient job of clearing the board.

candy crush saga level 533

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