
Candy Crush Level 347 Cheats, Tips, and Strategy

This is how you beat level 347 of Candy Crush Saga. Follow these Candy Crush cheats, tips and strategy and you will pass level 347 in no time!

Candy Crush Level 347 Cheats

  • In level 347 you have 50 moves to collect all the orders (2 color bombs and 10 wrapped candies) and reach 10,000 points.

  • When you open your level, look for ways to make wrapped candies, since you need 10 of these. If you don’t see any matches, either reset the board by opening and exiting the level… or you can make matches near the bottom since that will give you more cascading candies.
  • A point to remember: if you do not see any good first moves, you may want to get a new board. You can do this without losing a life by exiting and reopening the level before you make your first turn.
  • Avoid making striped candies. Instead, try to make it into a 5-in-a-row for a color bomb or use the candies to make wrapped candies if possible. If you make a striped candy, you could accidentally ruin the orders that you are trying to set up.
  • Once you get a color bomb, combine it with a wrapped candy. This should help you fulfill several of your wrapped candy orders at once.

level 347 tip 3

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